2024 has been one of the most tragic years for children in recent times. Many individuals in our community have been emotionally impacted by the graphic images of children who have tragically lost their lives in various conflict zones, especially in the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa and in Ukraine. This needless loss of life, beyond our immediate control, pulls us to look for ways to ensure that each child’s life lost this past year was not in vain, and that those still living at significant risk, can be saved.

In response to these on-going tragedies, St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Sunnyvale has hosted a musical performance entitled Requiem, featuring the St. Thomas Choir joined by members from other choirs and the community, together with four soloists and a young boy soprano on Saturday, February 15th, 2025. The creation and performance of the Requiem is part of a major fund-raising event to support UNICEF. This UN agency has become the gold-standard for helping children in over 190 countries, whose lives are at significant risk.
UNICEF is the Global DayCare provider. Please be generous in your support.

5 Ways UNICEF Uses Your Support to Save and Protect Children
1 – Immunization to prevent disease: Immunization is one of the most cost-effective ways to protect children. As the world’s largest supplier of vaccines, UNICEF supplies “routine” vaccines to reach 45 percent of the world’s children. They provide protection against the most common – and most deadly – childhood diseases.
2 – Safe water and hygiene: Waterborne illnesses are the second leading cause of death in children under age 5. Since 2000, UNICEF has helped more than 1.6 billion people gain access to safe water, which has been instrumental for handwashing to prevent diarrheal dehydration.
3 – Nutrition to nourish young bodies and minds: Malnutrition is linked to nearly half of all childhood deaths under age 5. As the largest buyer of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food(RUTF), UNICEF placed orders for 121,000 metric tons of this “miracle paste” in 2022.
4 – Education to break the cycle of poverty: Today, more than 600 million children and adolescents are unable to achieve proficiency levels in reading and math. UNICEF is working to raise these levels through an expansion of formal and no-formal learning opportunities.
5 – Emergency relief: Thanks to UNICEF’s worldwide reach, years of experience and global partnerships, it has become the “go-to” resource when and earthquake strikes, a flood or tsunami wipe out communities or civil strife drives families from their homes. With a network of global partners and the world’s largest humanitarian warehouse in Copenhagen, UNICEF can rush lifesaving supplies to children almost anywhere in the world in 48 – 72 hours.